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Our Ideal Small Councils

Writer's picture: TresTres

Game of Thrones Season 8 premieres on Sunday evening and before the premiere finally happens we want to pick our ideal Small Councils based on which characters are still alive. We're assuming that all of these characters live (which definitely won't happen) so this will look pretty bad in 6 weeks when half of our picks are dead.

This will also be a little bit larger than the current Small Council is in the show. We will have nine positions for our characters to fill. These roles include: Ruler, Hand, Maester, Head of the King's/Queen's Guard, Master of Coin, Ward of the North (just for fun), Master of Whisperers (basically the Varys/Little Finger role), Master of Trade, and Master of War.

Uno, Tres, and me will all make our picks and those picks will be represented by 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

So to start, Ruler of the Realm:

1. Dany. She is the mother of Dragons, she's been destined to rule this whole time so it only makes sense that she's on top at the end. I think Jon Snow is gonna die in the show so he won't need to worry about ruling.

2. Sansa. I think everyone else who could rule is gonna die and she knows King's Landing well enough to navigate and rule it.

3. I think it has to be Dany and Jon together. They are just such a strong power couple that it makes too much sense.

Hand of the King/Queen

1. Tyrion. He's already Dany's Hand. He'll definitely keep the title when she takes the throne and he's pretty good at it. I'd want him on my Small Council as my Hand.

2. Tyrion too. That's an easy decision. He's good at it plus he has a good relationship with Sansa so she'd trust him.

3. Tyrion third. Sorry this is boring but Jon and Dany both trust him and he will be a good hand.

King's/Queen's Guard

1. Jorah Mormont. He has followed Dany to the ends of the Earth and will always be by her side to protect her. So why not just make him her personal body guard and leader of her protective squadron as a whole.

2. Brienne. She is sworn to protect Sansa so why would that stop if she leaves for King's Landing. Arya can protect herself so I think Brienne would follow Sansa to continue protecting her.

3. Podrick. Yes he is young and inexperienced...but he is honorable and will do his best to protect whoever is ruling. He saved Tyrion's life at the Battle of the Blackwater so I expect him to do the same for Jon and Dany.


1. Sam.

2. Sam and it's not even close.

3. Sam. Is there really any other choice?

Master of Coin

1. Podrick. He literally made "ladies of the night" give him money to have sex with them. If he can make money that easily then he can easily find ways to fund the whole Kingdom.

2. Hot Pie. He has experience running his own small business and he is an honorable character. I'm all for getting private business owners into government as an attempt to fix it.

3. Davos. He probably will not be the best at it but the Kingdom loses money no matter who is in charge. Plus maybe he can help negotiate some trade deals and find other ways to smuggle money in.

Warden of the North

1. Sansa. She is already doing it in Season 7. She knew how to handle winter (she told the soldiers to put cover their armor with hides in order to stay warm) and she will continue to do so. Plus there "must always be a Stark at Winterfell".

2. Lyanna Mormont. With Sansa in the south, Lyanna will be the only one who I'd trust to rule everyone and protect the North from any threats. Arya won't want to do it and Bran is the internet now so he can't. Lyanna is the default choice - luckily she's also the best choice.

3. Sansa and Podrick. I think we are going to see some romancing between them this season and they will then rule the North together when it is all said and done. One power couple in the South and one in the North; that sounds good to me.

Master of Whisperers

1. Arya. She can become anyone and I think she would really enjoy spying on people and learning things.

2. Varys. He's damn good at it now so he can keep that job.

3. Varys. I do not want Arya tied down to one job. I want her to be able to roam around the world and maybe even reach the end of it (since Arya is a known flat-earther - she mentioned she wanted to see the end of the world to Lady Crane in season 6)

Master of Trade

1. Davos. He's good at sailing ships and smuggling. Easy answer.

2. Theon. Let's give him some responsibility in this post war world. I think Yara has no interest in ruling since she wants the Iron Islands. Making Theon the Master of Trade gives him a new purpose in life.

3. Yara. She is a better version of Theon, she has awesome ships, and she can sail really well. She will be a good Master of Trade.

Master of War

1. Jaime. He killed it strategically in Season 7 against Tyrion. If not for Dany having three dragons he would have definitely outmaneuvered Tyrion and won the war against Dany.

2. Jaime. All the reasons listed before.

3. Greyworm. He is a general for Dany already and she knows he can win wars for her.

These are our Small Councils. Who had the best? Probably me.


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