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Pokemon Nintendo Direct! Reactions - 2.27.2019. Also some speculation and guessing...

At the bright, early hour of 6:30am this morning, Nintendo and Game Freak revealed 7 minutes worth of content regarding the next generation of Pokemon games! We got the names of both games, the region setting, a look at some of the artwork, and a release window. Their names are Pokemon: Sword and Pokemon: Shield, coming Fall of 2019!

My initial impressions of this game is that it looks like the next natural step from Pokemon Let's Go, visually. The character models for the main characters look primarily the same, but the shading looks much better and the game isn't fuzzy around the edges when you zoom in too far on the character which I think is about time.

The new world, set in the region of Galar, looks crazy good! The backdrops of each scene they showed have significantly more detail than even the Let's Go games do from last November. They're especially a step up from the Pokemon Sun and Moon games. This direct also established the general setting for the Galar region. It's a region where people and Pokemon work together to develop the region. It sounds a lot like every other game doesn't it? People and Pokemon working together to do something? Become a champion? Win a pageant? Win a contest? Like every other Pokemon game, Game Freak wanted to remind you that this game is you working in concert with Pokemon. No specific plot details were given out and nothing was mentioned about the evil organization you need to fight in this game. Also it looks like combat is still turn based. I know some were hoping for real-time battles, but I prefer the turn based strategy Pokemon is famous for. Also the goals of your protagonist look like they have returned to what they were before Sun and Moon. I didn't see any signs of Kahunas and there is even (what looks like) a gym in the first screenshot below. There also was no mention of a rival yet, but I am sure that is coming in a future direct. This Direct overall was a table setter for future announcements to come. Finally, are there aliens in this game?

The region of Galar itself looks like it's inspired by the United Kingdom. It is a single, long, vertical island stretching from what looks like south to north based on how your journey will play out. I think that is also why you have one of the characters with a jersey on. There may be some variation of football or rugby that you play with your Pokemon partner. The regions of Pokemon are almost always based on real like locations, especially as of late. Kalos was based on France, Unova was based on New York, and Alola was based on Hawaii. You can look at the region below and decide for yourself though.

To further back up my point, there is also a screenshot of a massive Pokemon Tower which, without a doubt in my mind, is supposed to represent Big Ben. Additionally, in a later scene, they show one of the new starters on top of some smoke stacks. This may be because I saw Mary Poppins Returns recently, but I really think that this game is supposed to be Pokémon's version of England.

This looks just like London

It also seems like, at least from these initial shots, that steel will play a heavy role in this game. I have even further evidence to believe this based on the fact that the two games are called Swords and Shield.

Looking at the logos for these two games, there are multiple things I that infer from them. Like mentioned above, this game will probably have a focus on steel type. In fact, I have a feeling that the legendary Pokemon will both be variations of steel types with one having a super high attack and another having a super high defense. The legendary Pokemon also seem to be wolves which is pretty cool. Whether they wield weapons, transform, or other is still be determined.

Now for the main event. The thing everyone cares about most! The starting Pokemon!

First up: Sobble, the water-lizard Pokemon! Sobble looks anxious, shy, and right up my alley! They didn't disclose its typing but I feel like he'll finish with water/psychic or water/ghost. They did water/fairy last generation so I don't think Pokemon would repeat themselves. Then again every fire type starter, with the exception of a few, becomes fire/fighting in its final form. This looks like the Pokemon you will need to have the most patience with when raising, but overall is the best Pokemon for very strategic trainers. A final interesting thing to note about Sobble. When he came out of the water he was invisible. Is there some sort of stealth element or move to him? If so that would make him even better.

Next up: Scorbunny, the energy-speed Pokemon! It is definitely a fire type because we saw him singe the grass when he landed on it. It looks like a stead-fast, confident, high-flying Pokemon with tons of explosive, offensive power - the opposite of Sobble. I think with its speed, color, and fire Scronbunny's final typing in its 3rd evolution will be fire/electric which I don't think we've ever had before? I think that would be an incredibly cool typing. Like I said before, we'll probably just end up getting another fire/fighting. Either way Scorbunny looks super cool!

Finally: Grookey, the mischievous chimp Pokemon! He is a high-climber and looks like the easiest Pokemon to raise with the most balance to him. I hope this his final evolution looks like Donkey Kong's green variation in Smash Bros and that its typing is grass and fighting.

Pokemon didn't show off any new Pokemon, but they did show a ton of Pokemon from previous regions such as: Lucario, Pikachu, Wishi Washi, and others. This makes it appear is if Pokemon from every region will be represented. Also, random encounters look like their back. There was a second in the trailer where a trainer walked through tall grass and then a Pikachu showed up. I am guessing based off of this, that the classic catching methods are back and that Let's Go was just a one off thing. I think that's the right move. Not that there can't be more Let's Go games. I just think its important to separate the two types of Pokemon Switch games so the audience knows what to expect with each one.

And that was all from the Direct. Pokemon: Sword and Pokemon: Shield are slated to come out this fall along side other Nintendo titles like Animal Crossing and Link's Awakening. We are going to have a crazy busy fall as Nintendo fans! More news about this games will be releasing throughout the year so make sure you stay tuned.


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