The following post is an excerpt from Tres' Three Pointers. For the whole post, click here*
E3 Predictions!

We know at this point we’re getting a new Watchdogs game set in London, but I think this game will also have a much more gritty tone to it (similar to the first one), rather than the fun nature in Watchdogs 2. That’s all I have for Ubisoft. I was going to predict that this game would take place in DC, but then Ubisoft released the Division 2 and then Watchdogs 3 was confirmed to be in London.

This one is a pretty simple prediction as well. Bethesda will embrace their mess ups with Fallout 76 and they will unveil a new cheaper, version of the game along with a bunch of new features that will hopefully draw fans who felt burnt by them back in. Were also going to get a Doom Eternal date (November 15) and we will get a seasonal release for Elder Scrolls 6 (Fall 2021), along with a trailer similar to this Skyrim one.
This press conference will be mainly about Starfield and we will get a reveal date for that (March 20, 2020).

My EA predictions are much more skeptical because I still don’t trust them after what they have done with the Star Wars IP. However, we will get a Fallen Order release date from EA and the game will be delayed (until early 2020). They will have an extended gameplay reveal though and it’ll look cool so we’ll forgive them.
KF Showcase

At the Kinda Funny Showcase, it’s harder to predict what will happen, but I mainly just want one big thing: Golf Story 2. Golf Story was one of my favorite games from the past couple years and I need another one.
Square Enix

We will definitely see more about the Avengers game. Square has already told us that via the countdown on their Twitter. The Avengers game will look good, but it will focus a lot on story and will not be open world which will disappoint a lot of people. I think the “games as a service” rumors will also be true and this will upset a lot of people too. Basically, people aren’t going to be too happy with this. We will also get a Final Fantasy 16 trailer which will win everyone over again.

Now more of the hype begins! The Microsoft press conference has the most potential to bring in some major surprises because of the lack of Sony this year. To start the conference I think we will get an announcement that Game Pass is coming to PC and it will feature mainly Xbox 360 games. They will end their conference with the reveal of the next generation Xbox console and it will stream games in an attempt to compete with Stadia. In between those two moments, we will get news from WB Montreal regarding what they have been working on for the past couple of years. I think they have been working on that Harry Potter game that leaked a year ago. We know Rocksteady won’t be at E3 so I think Montreal will be instead because one of those two studios have to have been working on something over the past few years.
Finally I think we will get Doug Bowser on stage with Phil Spencer as they announce a plan to bring Game Pass to Nintendo Switch along with more information about how Xbox Live will work on Switch as well!
I hope that is just the tip of the iceberg for Microsoft’s conference, though! It'll be about two hours long so I think we'll get a ton of news and reveals.

Nintendo has the chance to be filled with everything I hope for!
First off, they’ll open up with Animal Crossing including gameplay, a Pocket Camp tie-in, and that it will be available to play at the Nintendo Tree House this week. They’ll also give us a release date set for this Winter (December 13, 2019). It’ll be late in the year like SSB: Ultimate was.
Next we’ll get news that The Spyro Trilogy is coming to Switch like it should have a year ago.
Finally we’ll get a ton of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 news along with the reveal that one Nintendo character will be playable in the game! I think it’ll be Samus because that is the easiest character to port over. I hope it’s Link or Fox though. Maybe we get all three! In turn, Marvel will put one of their characters in Super Smash Bros: Ultimate! We’ll get a reveal that Iron Man will be the next playable character in the game and we’ll even get a very short (like 15 seconds) trailer of Iron Man kicking ass in the game!
There are other conferences, but these ones are the ones I care about most so I feel confident making these predictions as I over hype myself and predict things that will never happen! If they do though, I’ll be making a massive victory lap!
*E3 Images found via each company's website
*Assassin's Creed Odyssey photo found via